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Big Feeling Kids

Big Feeling Kids

Sometimes referred to as overly reactive, too sensitive, behavioural, manipulative, or out-of-control, “big feeling” kids, as they are colloquially referred to as, are those children who not only seem to perceive and pick up on variations in their own and others’ moods, they are more reactive...

Executive Function and ADHD

Executive Function and ADHD

What exactly are ‘executive functions’? What is the relationship between ADHD and executive functions? Is there any difference? Why is it important to understand executive function strengths and weaknesses and why do you look at them when assessing for ADHD? As you can probably figure out by...

Making the Connection: Our Values and Our Mental Health

Making the Connection: Our Values and Our Mental Health

Posted in Counselling Regina

As life gets busy, our mental well-being often takes a back seat. Nurturing our mental health needs to be a priority. What if the key to doing this lies in our values? Research suggests that aligning our actions with our core values can enhance our resilience and overall sense of well-being....

Children's Behaviour - The Inside and The Outside

Children's Behaviour - The Inside and The Outside

Posted in Counselling Regina

Behaviours are the only part we can see on the outside. The thoughts and feelings that lead to the behaviours all happen on the inside. You might be thinking that this statement does not seem like rocket science, however it is often at the centre of challenges that families face when dealing with...

The Amazing Adolescent Brain

The Amazing Adolescent Brain

Posted in Counselling Regina

Those of us who are lucky enough to know a teen are often amazed by the way their minds work. We have probably seen how passionate they can be about a cause they are interested in, or how brave they can be about making connections with peers they’ve never met before. I think we also know...

Dragonfly is One!

Dragonfly is One!

Posted in Counselling Regina

Dragonfly is one!   Dragonfly became official last year in October and it’s been a big year! We started Dragonfly with big goals. We also moved, added some new awesome clinicians, and our favorite dragonfly, Dash (our little cartoon mascot – thanks the wonderful artist in residence with...

Free Spots in our Upcoming Kids Anxiety Group – Mighty Minds!

Free Spots in our Upcoming Kids Anxiety Group – Mighty Minds!

Posted in Counselling Regina

One of our goals at Dragonfly is to offer free services to families in our community who do not have coverage/benefits. Thanks to a fellow non-profit here in Regina called Own Your Story we are able to offer FREE spots in our upcoming anxiety group called “Mighty Minds”. Mighty Minds group...

Are you struggling with social media use in your home?

Are you struggling with social media use in your home?

Posted in Counselling Regina

Parents in the 80’s and 90’s had to worry about late night phone calls on the land line (which they had the option of listening in on) and polaroid pictures from the weekends party being hung on their teen’s bedroom walls. Parenting in this generation is full of entirely new challenges. Our...

Want to Stop Nagging your Kids?

Want to Stop Nagging your Kids?

Posted in Counselling Regina

Do you ever feel like you are being negative? As though you are constantly fighting with or nagging at your kids? Sometimes parenting is overwhelming especially when you are trying to manage difficult behaviour. Luckily, there are several effective strategies available for parents to try...

Parenting Advice From My 8-Year-Old

Parenting Advice From My 8-Year-Old

Posted in Counselling Regina

I know one thing about parenting. Even if your kid grows up to be weird that’s ok. As long as they can survive on their own you’ve done a good job as a parent. —Real-life quote from my 8-year-old My son dropped this bit of wisdom on me recently when my kids and I were working on their...

Does the Cold Weather Have You Down?

Does the Cold Weather Have You Down?

Posted in Counselling Regina

Are you feeling stressed while stuck inside during this never-ending cold snap?  A recent survey suggests you are not alone! The number of people experiencing stress and anxiety is on the rise, particularly, young parents in Saskatchewan during the winter months.  Residents of Saskatchewan...

Bell Let’s Talk Day: But My Teen Doesn’t Want to Talk!

Bell Let’s Talk Day: But My Teen Doesn’t Want to Talk!

Posted in Counselling Regina

Today on Bell Let’s Talk Day we wanted to cover a question parents often ask – I want to check in with my teen but they don’t want to talk to me – what do I do? You Are Not Alone The first thing to consider your teen’s developmental stage. It is normal and expected that teens are starting to...