Dragonfly is a non-profit mental health organization that specializes in children, youth, and their families. Our organization breaks down barriers to accessing mental health services.
Dragonfly is seeking donations from the community to support our programs. Your donation could change the life of person who is struggling with their mental health. Although a person’s struggle with mental health is often silent, we know that our friends, colleagues, family members, or neighbours may be impacted. It is heartbreaking to watch a loved one face barriers when they need support the most. Dragonfly is helping to make mental health services accessible at the time help is needed. We have been able to consistently maintain low or no wait times.
We know that many people face difficulties accessing services. These could include long waitlists or financial barriers. Private insurance companies often have caps on coverage, and some families have no private coverage at all.
Dragonfly has a cost reduced counsellor program that allows our registered and experienced counsellors to provide evidence based services to those with financial barriers. Since we opened in October of 2021 we have provided 506 individual no or low cost sessions. Dragonfly has group programs available for children and teens. Donations would allow us to offer these group programs at no cost to the participants.
Your donations will allow us to continue our work supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the children, youth, and families in our community. Saskatchewan is known for its kindness and generosity in supporting local people. We believe our community can come together and make the difference. We are very appreciative of any support we receive!