Teen Wise Minds Group

Teen Wise Minds Group


Upcoming Teen Wise Minds Flyer


Teens - are you struggling with anxiety or depression, emotions that feel out of control, negative self-talk, or conflict with your parents? Are you struggling to get along with others or feel uncertain in tricky social situations?


Parents - are you struggling with knowing how to guide and support your kids as they enter their adolesent years? Are you finding yourself in constant conflict or feeling like your relationship is not as strong as it once was? Are you worried about your teen's mood or emotions?




Teen Wise Minds is a six session group designed to help build skills. See the topics covered below:


Week 1


*Parent only session*


Teenage development - Typical teenage development, parenting your teen, safety planning information. 


Week 2


*Teen and parent session*


Thinking Skills - Realistic and helpful thinking, how to "unhook" from thoughts and feelings. 


Week 3


*Teen and parent session*


Distress Tolerance and Emotion Regulation - Emotional awareness, the stress response, coping skills.


Week 4


*Teen and parent session*


Communication & Problem Solving (Part 1) - How to talk about hard stuff, validation, problem-solving.


Week 5


*Teen and parent session*


Communication & Problem Solving (Part 2) - Values, setting boundaries, maintaining relationships.


Week 6


*Teen and parent session*


Mindfulness - Being in the present moment, mindfulness skills, coping skills. 






The Teen Wise Minds Group is based primarily on Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Adolescents (DBT-A) which is a treatment model that focuses on building skills. Teen Wise Minds also includes some concepts and skills from Cognitive Behvioural Therapy (CBT) and Action and Committment Therapy (ACT). 


Each teen will receive a workbook that they can keep, and will receive a toolbox that they can fill with items and reminders of their coping skills and strategies. Every week there are activities, videos, and discussions.


Parents are included in sessions because teens often make the most progress when parents are learning the skills and strategies alongside them. Often parents express feeling uncertain and overwhelmed and having information and tools helps parents to better support their teen. 


The next session of Teen Wise Minds begins April 2, 2025. If you would like to register or ask for more information, please call or email. 


Upcoming Teen Wise Minds Flyer