Anger Management Group for Kids and Teens at Dragonfly

Posted in Counselling Regina

Anger Management Group for Kids and Teens at Dragonfly

There is nothing wrong with experiencing any feeling or emotion – even anger. Everyone experiences and expresses anger differently. At times, anger can build up and can cause children or teens to act in ways that can get them into trouble or result in consequences. Children who are struggling with problems that are labelled as “bad behaviour” or an “anger problem” are often having difficulty regulating their emotions. They might express their difficult emotions in outward ways (we call this “externalizing” behaviour) – they might hit, kick, destroy items, yell, throw things, and more. In many cases children regret these actions later, and may even feel negatively about themselves as a result. Sometimes parents and caregivers can feel really helpless and frustrated and unsure of what to do. Dragonfly is proud to be offering anger management programs to help and provide some emotion regulation skills to these youth.

Keeping Your Cool Program

Our anger management programs will begin in the new year. We have a children’s group for youth aged 6 to 11 called Keeping Your Cool Kids, and a teen group for youth aged 12 to 17 called Keeping Your Cool Teens. We are always able to provide this service individually as well.

Our anger management program follows the “Keeping Your Cool” curriculum. This program is designed for children who have trouble with expressing/managing their anger.

Keeping Your Cool offers a step-based program that will:

  • Help children/teens to identify potentially problematic situations early on.  
  • Teach youth a variety of anger management skills that they can draw upon in dealing with problems.
  • Empower children/teens to make responsible behavioural choices when confronted with challenging situations.

For more detailed information about our anger management programming please see our website page here.
