Dragonfly Child and Family Wellness Centre… the Start of a New Adventure

Posted in Counselling Regina

Dragonfly Child and Family Wellness Centre… the Start of a New Adventure

Let’s be honest, whether you are a parent juggling work and school closures, a high school student who lost out on grad and did online schooling for a year, a school-age child who never knew when school would be in or out, the past two years has been incredibly difficult for different reasons. The normalcy our lives, parenting, employment, and personal dramatically changed. Although young people were at lower risk of becoming seriously ill due to Covid-19; they have faced significant mental health consequences from this pandemic. Source https://news.ubc.ca/2021/06/28/study-highlights-pandemic-impact-on-adolescent-mental-health/.

The pandemic has had devastating impacts on children, the impacts of which will be felt for years to come. We cannot build back better if we do not acknowledge the burden that children are carrying and provide them the very tangible and substantial support they need to survive and thrive.

Source Children First Canada

The past twenty months have compounded the already existing need for mental health services. The statistics we are seeing in our young people in Canada are evidence of that. According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, it is estimated that 10% to 20% of Canadian youth are affected by a mental illness or disorder. The total number of 12- to 19-year-olds in Canada at risk of developing depression is 3.2 million. However, they also note that once depression is recognized, help can make a difference for 80% of people who are affected, allowing them to get back to their regular activities. Unfortunately, in Canada, only 1 out of 5 children who need mental health services receives them. (Source Canadian Mental Health Association).

With so many unprecedented challenges faced by young people in our community today we decided to embark on a venture of our own to create a space where all children, youth and families can feel safe and supported to share about their experiences and learn new skills toward supporting their mental health, communication, and relationship dynamics. Applying to become a non-profit agency best supported this endeavour. We will work with our community partners and create new programming to address some of the growing needs. We hope Dragonfly Child and Family Wellness Centre will be one small piece of our ever growing and diverse community and will give back to the children who will one day be our leaders.
